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7.10 每日听写 | 高考真题听力

TeacherGwen  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-10 06:00


10 星期三 2024年7月 今天是GWEN听写陪你的 第  2427  天  GWEN听写团队 2024高考II卷听力真题 难度指数 听写三步骤    第一步   泛听    听写方法: 完整的听一遍所有内容,对听写内容有大概的了解,并且抓住了一些核心词汇,为等一下的听写初步减轻难度。 今日材料 今日听写小题 听第10段材料, 回答第18至20题。 18. What did Mr. Rochester do soon after he bought the hotel?  A. He talked with the staff members.  B. He had the old carpets replaced.  C. He ran a six-month training project. 19. What did Susan do when she met Mr. Rochester the second time?  A. She was a cleaner.          B. She was a secretary.          C. She was a receptionist.  20. What does the speaker think is key to Mr. Rochester's success?  A. Managing time efficiently. B. Valuing human relationships. C. Possessing a good memory.  参考答案 点击空白处查看答案  ACB    第二步   精 ………………………………

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