▲ Click above to subscribe 点击上方蓝字关注我们 A company has launched a sex doll that has the ability to comfort men if they suffer premature ejaculation. Made by Chinese company WMDoll, the dolls have a new AI feature called MetaBox that allows them to speak. Designed to satisfy the user’s emotions, the doll can comfort men who may climax quickly. Rather than acting disappointed, the lusty lifesize plaything will offer encouragement and support. “It doesn’t matter, two minutes is awesome,” the empathetic toys purportedly purr after being taken out of the box for an all-too-short playtime. Meanwhile, Jam Press reports that the amorous AI dolls also have a long-term memory function and can talk to users for several days in a row for up to three months. Users can select from eight different personalities, including gentle and lively, depending on what they feel best suits them. WMDoll, which is based in the Guangdong province in south China, has also made the lat