关键观点1: 人工智能 ALT 2025 International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory
介绍ALT 2025会议的相关信息,包括全文截稿日期、开会时间、会议难度、CCF分类、会议地点和会议主题等。
关键观点2: 信息安全及密码学 FC 2025 Financial Cryptography and Data Security
介绍FC 2025会议的相关信息,包括全文截稿日期、开会时间、会议难度、CCF分类、会议地点和会议主题等,强调了会议关于信息保障的重要性。
关键观点3: 数据库管理与信息检索 ECIR 2025 European Conference on Information Retrieval
介绍ECIR 2025会议的相关信息,包括全文截稿日期、开会时间、会议难度和会议地点等,说明了该会议是信息检索领域的重要论坛。
关键观点4: 人工智能 AISTATS 2025 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
介绍AISTATS 2025会议的相关信息,包括全文截稿日期、开会时间等。
关键观点5: EI会议推荐◆ 第12届信息系统与计算技术国际会议(ISCTech 2024)
人工智能 ALT 2025 International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory 全文截稿: 2024-10-01 开会时间: 2025-02-24 会议难度: ★★★ CCF分类: C类 会议地点: Milan, Italy 网址: http://algorithmiclearningtheory.org/alt2025/ The Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) 2025 conference will be held in Milan, Italy on February 24-27, 2025. The conference is dedicated to all theoretical and algorithmic aspects of machine learning. We invite submissions with contributions to new or existing learning problems including, but not limited to: Design and analysis of learning algorithms. Statistical and computational learning theory. Online learning algorithms and theory. Optimization methods for learning. Unsupervised, semi-supervised, and active learning. Interactive learning, planning and control, and reinforcement learning. Privacy-preserving data analysis. Learning with additional societal and strategic considerations: e.g., fairness, economics. Robustness of learning