作为一名享誉国际的设计师,Andre Mellone 并未将自己的家视为一项艰巨的挑战,反而将其打造为一座“test kitchen”——一个可以自由实验创意的空间。在纽约切尔西区,这间两层高的公寓位于日本著名建筑师坂茂(Shigeru Ban)设计的唯一地面建筑内,这样的建筑背景无疑为 Mellone 的设计增加了额外的魅力和深度。 An internationally renowned designer, Andre Mellone sees his home not as a daunting challenge, but as a "test kitchen" - a space where he can freely experiment with ideas. In New York's Chelsea district, this two-storey apartment is located in the only ground-level building designed by renowned Japanese architect Shigeru Ban, and this architectural background undoubtedly adds extra charm and depth to Mellone's design. P. 01 对于 Mellone 和他的伴侣 Kevin Baker 来说,这间公寓不仅要满足视觉美感,还要满足功能性需求。公寓被细致地分为两层,