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印际 x Patricia Bustos新作 | 色彩与结构

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-20 17:02


Patricia Bustos 是一家位于西班牙的室内设计工作室,旨在构建出独具巧思的作品,并通过“创意”和“美学”的探索,来挖掘它们潜藏的内在价值。正是这种对审美的追求和独到见解,以及获得业界优秀设计的启发和对未来的畅想,促使他们在私宅、酒店、餐厅和商业等项目创作上渐入佳境。 Patricia Bustos is an interior design studio based in Spain that aims to create ingenious pieces and discover their inherent value through the exploration of "creativity" and "aesthetics". It is this pursuit of aesthetics and unique insights, as well as the inspiration of excellent design in the industry and the imagination of the future, prompting them to create projects such as private homes, hotels, restaurants and businesses. Staircase House 空间体验 ━ Staircase 住宅以大地色为主基调,搭配色彩多样的家具、柔和的线条、精致的艺术品摆件,赋予空间温暖且柔和 ………………………………

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