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新作 × Felipe Hess | 宁静安谧

美集志  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-16 17:43


 “ 空间的一半依赖于设计   另一半则源自于存在与精神 ” “Half of space depends on design  the other half is derived from presence and spirit.”  ——安藤忠雄(Tadao Ando)  - Apartment Leblon II是位于巴西里约热内卢的一套极简主义公寓,其建筑设计由Felipe Hess、Lucas Miilher 和 Pedro Petry 完成,室内设计由 Felipe Hess 和 Patricia Sturm 完成。 Apartment Leblon II is a minimalist apartment located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Its architectural design was completed by Felipe Hess, Lucas Miilher, and Pedro Petry, and the interior design was completed by Felipe Hess and Patricia Sturm. 这套公寓之前采用封闭而过时的布局,现已改造成开放而现代的居住空间,与海岸环境融为一体。设计侧重于建立室内外之间的紧密联系。 This apartment used to have a closed and outdated layout, but has now been transformed into an open and modern living space that blends seamlessly with t ………………………………

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