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如何找到真爱,做最真实的自己 | 今日心理学

一天一篇经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-10 14:32


1 写在前面 本文主要讲的是在亲密关系中保持"真实自我"的重要性。作者指出,人们在生活中往往在"真实自我"和"压力自我"之间摇摆。选择一个能让你展现真实自我的伴侣至关重要,因为这样可以减少压力,增加幸福感。相反,如果伴侣抑制了你的真实性格或兴趣,可能会导致关系问题。文章建议在选择长期伴侣时,要注重对方是否能接纳并欣赏你的真实自我,这是维持健康、快乐关系的关键。 2 精读|翻译|词组 Relationships Find a Partner With Whom You Can "Be Yourself" The importance of cultivating one's authentic self in relationships. Key points When people talk about "being yourself," they really are talking about being your "authentic self." In many ways, our authentic self's opposite may be thought of as our "stressed self." When choosing a romantic or social partner, it's useful to find someone who embraces your authentic self. HuangDongPhoto/Pix ………………………………

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