☆ My dad slaved 12 hours a day to put food on the table. I've never met anyone who cooked so fucking slowly. 我爸爸每天辛苦干活12个小时来养家糊口。 我从来没见过做饭这么慢的人。 —— stallion ☆ When the person who invented the USB drive dies, they’ll lower his coffin into the grave, realize they put it in the wrong way, and have to do it again…… then they’ll realize they had it right the first time. 当发明USB接口的人去世后,别人会将他的棺材放入坟墓,然后意识到他们放错方向了,只能再挖出来反方向放进去…… 然后大家就会意识到,他们第一次其实就放对了。 —— no_bon3s_about_it 被一群羊盯着的感受 从比奇堡到章鱼堡的距离 @蛋蛋蛋蛋炒范: 从高三看他看到三高 当女朋友说你长相与身材不符时,她眼里的你: @幸运大摩尔:首先你没有女朋友,其次你没有这个身材,最后你脸也不