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中国日报专访世卫专家丨Countries told to learn from China in virus fight

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-03-11 12:28
As the daily increase in novel coronavirus cases outside China has greatly surpassed that inside China, Bruce Aylward, assistant director-general of the World Health Organization, emphasized that speed is the "single biggest message" that the rest of the world should take away from China."You have to find the cases quickly, and you have to get them isolated, and their close contacts quarantined, to be able to break this disease," he told China Daily during an exclusive interview on Friday. "That was the first big message — speed, speed, speed."The virus has infected over 100,000 people in more than 100 countries, of which more than 21,000 are outside China, according to the WHO. As of Saturday, 3,735 new cases were reported from different countries and territories, of which five reported their first confirmed case.South Korea, Iran and Italy are among countries that are most sev ………………………………

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