临近端午节,江西省德安县博物馆的一个展柜前,每天都有许多游客驻足低头观看一对来自750年前的粽子。 As the Dragon Boat Festival approaches, people visiting the De'an County Museum in Jiangxi province often gather around a particular display case to marvel at its contents: a pair of 750-year-old zongzi. 这对菱角形粽子长6厘米、宽3厘米,是在1988年考古发掘的当地一座南宋时期的墓葬中出土的。据专家推测,它们是目前世界上考古发现最古老的三角粽。 The triangular rice dumplings in the museum, which are roughly 6 centimeters long and 3 centimeters wide, were unearthed in 1988 from a tomb built during the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). 碑文字记载,墓主周氏为宁国府通判国史溪园先生周应合之女,今九江市武宁县人,葬于公元1274年;丈夫为新太平州通判吴畴,今德安县车桥镇人。 The woman buried in the tomb, surnamed Zhou, was found clutchi