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2.17 早读 | 在不了解别人之前,不该下结论

TeacherGwen  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-02-17 07:00


今天是Gwen陪你早读的第  3006  天哦! 2.17 早读 Maybe you shouldn't judge people before you get to know them.  《怪物史莱克Shrek》 背景音乐 living in the moment 宝宝们,周末没有朗读版哦~ 视频跟读版(常速*2+慢速*2) 本周早读小测 把你的答案留言吧,正确答案明天公布哦~ (点击题目即可回顾当期早读) 1. If you think a negative thought, you're gonna go on a downward spiral. If you think a positive thought, you'll attract wonderful things to you.  gonna的含义为: A going to  B go to  C go on 2. Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. enthusiasm词内包含(  )个音节: A 4  B 5  C 6 3. When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours.  universe以(  )音打首: A 元音/u:/  B 辅音/j/   C 元音/u/ 4. Alone on a misty mountain, I come to a clearing. Sunlight on green moss, I am not alone. misty的正确发音为: A /ˈmɪsti/  B /ˈm ………………………………

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