导读 5月30日是“全国科技工作者日”,中国科协、科技部在国家科技传播中心举办庆祝“全国科技工作者日”主场活动暨中国科学家博物馆首展仪式。 科学家的精神之光,照亮了科学的殿堂与人类文明的未来。中国科学家博物馆集“采集、馆藏、研究、展示、教育、宣传”功能为一体,致力于展示中国科学家形象、弘扬科学家精神,打造科技工作者的精神殿堂。首展包括1个主展览、5个专题展览。 China's first national museum dedicated to scientists opened to the public in Beijing on Thursday, which is the eighth National Science and Technology Workers' Day. ▲Photo: CICPHOTO/Du Jianbo China Scientists Museum is the first museum showcasing the achievements of Chinese scientists and promoting the spirit of scientific exploration. ▲Photo: CICPHOTO/Du Jianbo The museum features six exhibitions of the academic materials of senior scientists; a commemoratio