NEWS 双十一红包又又又来啦! 双十一又开始了,今年买家电能叠加20%的政府补贴,还可以顺手再领个无门槛红包: 京东 红包(长按领取): 每日可领3次,最多11111元 淘宝 大红包(复制到淘宝或天猫app打开): 2$NVH23lcMJQm$:// ZH9102 最高24888元! ☆ North Americans are often derided for their low spice-tolerance, but are seldom lauded for their high sweetness tolerance. 北美人经常因其对辣味的耐受度低而受到嘲笑, 但却很少因其对甜度的耐受度高而受到称赞。 ——repliers_beware ☆ As I get older and I remember all the people I've lost along the way I think to myself, maybe a career as a tour guide wasn't for me. 随着年龄的增长,我想起了一路上丢失的所有人。 我心想,也许导游这个职业并不适合我。 ——jimothy99 ☆ It's okay if your phone autocorrects fuck to duck. You're still using fowl language. 如果你的手机输入