专栏名称: 电通创意
电通创意(DENTSU CREATIVE),电通旗下唯一的全球创意网络,以现代创意(Modern Creativity)的力量驱动品牌与业务转型,致力于打造可以创造文化、影响社会和驱动未来的创意作品。
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Easy Reading | WORKS

电通创意  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-08 13:55


Visit Portugal , the digital ecosystem developed by Turismo de Portugal , partnered with Dentsu Creative to introduce the first AI Tool that enables people with intellectual disabilities to access the literature of an entire country. Bringing content accessibility for all one step closer to reality. CHALLENGE BACK ON THE MAP According to the World Tourism Organization, the number of travelers is almost back to normal following the outbreak of Covid-19. But 40 million people with intellectual disabilities across the globe are still shut out.  Turismo de Portugal, I.P., the national tourist board, has developed Visit Portugal as the official platform for exploring Portugal as a tourist destination. But how could Visit Portugal make its cities, stories, traditions, and authors accessible to all? APPROACH ENABLING TRAVEL THROUGH BOOKS In 2020, in the midst of lockdown and with the country’s borders closed due to the pandemic, Visit Portugal launched Read Portugal, a campaign where pe ………………………………

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