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忏悔录 Confessions | BookVI Chapter6  戏迷阿利比乌斯

FaithonCross  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-05-16 00:00
BookVI Chapter6戏迷阿利比乌斯He, not forsaking that secular course which his parents had charmed him to pursue, had gone before me to Rome, to study law, and there he was carried away incredibly with an incredible eagerness after the shows of gladiators. 阿利比乌斯并没放弃他的父母向他夸耀的世俗场中的前途,因此先我到罗马,攻读法律;在那里,又不可思议地、怀着一股不可思议的热情被角斗表现所攫取。For being utterly averse to and detesting spectacles, he was one day by chance met by divers of his acquaintance and fellow-students coming from dinner, and they with a familiar violence haled him, vehemently refusing and resisting, into the Amphitheatre, during these cruel and deadly shows, he thus protesting: "Though you hale my body to that place, and there set me, can you force me also to turn my mind or my ………………………………

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