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Panama Canal increases vessel draft to 45 feet ahead of schedule

中国水果门户  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-04 04:39


点击上方蓝字,关注我们 The Panama Canal announced that as of May 30, the maximum authorized draft has been increased to 45 feet, due to the current and projected levels of Gatun Lake for the coming weeks as the rainy season arrives. Through a notice to shipping lines, the Canal brought forward the date of application of the maximum authorized draft that was announced in April and originally scheduled to go into effect on June 15 of this year. As of May 16, the number of daily transits in the Panamax locks increased from 17 to 24, and starting June 1, the number of daily transits in the Neopanamax locks will increase from 7 to 8. This adjustment will raise the total number of vessel transits per day to 32. Since May 26, the water levels of  Gatun  and  Alhajuela  Lakes have, for the first time in 2024, risen above levels recorded on the same date in 2023, due to the onset of the rainy season. The Panama Canal monitors the existing weather conditions daily to implement the ………………………………

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