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立冬 | Beginning of Winter 有声FM

中建三局海外  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-07 20:37


LI DONG 万物皆收藏也 立冬是二十四节气之第十九个节气,也是冬季的起始。立冬是中国民间非常重视的季节节点之一。春耕夏耘、秋收冬藏。冬季是享受丰收、休养生息的季节。自立冬起,气候由少雨干燥的秋季向阴雨寒冻的冬季气候过渡。 The Beginning of Winter (Lidong) is the 19th solar term in the traditional Chinese 24 solar terms and marks the start of winter. Lidong is one of the most significant seasonal markers in Chinese folk tradition. The agricultural cycle follows: spring plowing, summer cultivation, autumn harvest, and winter storage. Winter is a season for enjoying the harvest and for rest and recuperation. The climate shifts from the dry autumn to the cold and damp winter since Lidong.   吃饺子 Eating Dumplings 在北方,立冬的习俗是吃饺子,因为饺子外形似耳朵,人们认为吃了它,冬天耳朵就不受冻。 In northern China, the custom during Lidong is to ………………………………

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