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译·世界  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-26 17:40


每年圣诞节当天观看英国君主发表圣诞演讲,是不少英国家庭的传统活动。今年圣诞节也不例外。英国时间12月25日下午三点,英国国王查尔斯三世如期发表了一年一度的圣诞致辞。这是他登基以来第三次发表圣诞演讲。今年的演讲,有不少创新性的变革,更蕴含许多深意。 The King’s Christmas Broadcast 2024 25 December 2024 Earlier this year, as we commemorated the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, the Queen and I had the enormous privilege of meeting, once again, the remarkable veterans of that very special generation who gave of themselves so courageously, on behalf of us all. Listening to these once-young service men and women touched us deeply as they spoke of their comrades, drawn from across the Commonwealth, who never returned and who now rest peacefully where they made the ultimate sacrifice. Their example of service and selflessness continues to inspire, across the generations. During previous ………………………………

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