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微軟公司: 微軟2024 Build大會發布AI PC產品和Azure更新

天风国际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-09 18:00


Microsoft Corp  (MSFT US) 微軟2024 Build大會發布AI PC產品和Azure更新 Build 2024: key offerings like Copilot+ AI PCs and Azure upgrades stand out from the slew of new releases BUY(maintain) 投資要點/Investment Thesis 投资要点/Investment Thesis 事件: 微軟2024 Build大會:北京時間5月22日凌晨,微軟在2024 Build大會發布一系列AI相關產品。 Microsoft Build 2024 key releases: Copilot+; Azure AI; DirectML and Khanmigo Microsoft announced a slew of new releases at its annual Build developers’ conference, which ran in late May this year. They include the following:  1) Copilot相關產品包括第一代Copilot+PC產品——全新的Surface Laptop和Surface Pro、可提取和分析數據的Copilot connectors、可協助團隊的Team Copilot、GitHub Copilot功能拓展以及構建AI應用程序的平臺Windows Copilot Runtime。同時,微軟宣佈與Qualcomm合作,將Copilot+PCs拓展到Arm架構。 Copilot+: the first generation of Copilo ………………………………

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