如您希望下载PDF版本,请点击文末“阅读原文”获取。 It was only a few years ago that hordes of British schools descended upon China. Chinese parents valued a British education both on its own account but also as the United Kingdom became a leading destination for Chinese studying at universities overseas. The promise of influencing an inexhaustible supply of eager students who would become future leaders coupled with streams of gold was intoxicating. What is Happening Now in China? Unfortunately, hang overs often follow intoxication. And there is something of a hangover in certain circles at present. The education sector, particularly the private for profit sector has been impacted by a combination of tighter PRC government regulations, a post-COVID funk, cost of living concerns, concerns as to employment of young graduates and a general malaise of the Chinese middle class. In addition, to demand side issues the British schools in China have also been hit by supply