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“市场的手”能减少印度的污染吗?| 经济学人

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-17 08:30


📢  文末扫码进裙,免费领取双语精读版 Can markets reduce pollution in India? An experiment in Gujarat yields impressive results The Economist India 10 Oct, 2024 | 734 words | ★★★★☆ India’s battle with pollution has gone literal. To clean up Delhi’s filthy air, officials now routinely deploy “anti-smog” guns across the capital. The band-aid solution reflects desperation: air pollution, India’s public-health enemy number one, kills around 2m people a year. Recent research, however, suggests that it may be vulnerable to a more abstract weapon: market forces. For five years the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB), a regulator in the western state of Gujarat, has run an emissions-trading scheme in the city of Surat. The programme is modelled on environmental cap-and-trade markets in the West, but instead of carbon, pollution permits are traded. A company that wants to exceed the regulator’s threshold for particulate-matter emissions needs to pur ………………………………

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