关键观点1: 竞赛背景
关键观点2: 竞赛目标
关键观点3: 设计要求
关键观点4: 竞赛流程
关键观点5: 评审标准
关键观点6: 竞赛奖励
关键观点7: 参赛信息
为贯彻以人民为中心的发展思想,南京市规划和自然资源局自2018年来持续组织开展 “以人民为中心,为城市而设计”系列活动 ,以城市小品类公共设施为对象,以打造精品公共空间提升城市功能品质为宗旨,开展方案设计征集。该系列已先后推出十期国际设计竞赛以及邀请赛, 收获来自全球21个国家、全国31个地区的近5000名创意设计人士参与 ,在专业领域和社会层面均取得了广泛影响。 To put the notion of “people-centered development” into effect, Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources has organized a series of competitions themed “Center on People, Design for City” since 2018. Focusing on public facilities in urban space, the serial competitions call for design proposals to create fine public spaces and thus improve the function and quality of cities. This series has launched ten sessions of international design competitions,