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大赛启动!“SUEP Cup” “Belt and Road” International Speech Contest

外语赛事圈  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-09-13 20:30
As long as you are enthusiastic about“SUEP Cup”“Belt and Road” International Speech Contest, and have insights on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, please join the contest!5000 CNY award is awaiting!Any contestant from every corner of the world is welcome! Host: Shanghai University of Electric Power (SUEP)Sponsor: Shanghai YGYM Translation Service Co. Ltd. This year’s theme▲Realizing Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goalsfor the Future of Mankind  Carbon emission needs reducing and global climate change action promoting.China will strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, President Xi Jinping told the UN General Assembly in September, 2021. He highlighted the need to accelerate transition to green and low-carbon economy while achieving green recovery and development. China's pledge to carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals is just one of its determinations to strengthen international cooperation in the ………………………………

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