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社评:乱港害人害己,暴力没有出路 | Rioters' sense of mission delusional

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2019-11-13 09:16
When the radical protesters in Hong Kong viciously attack those who oppose their views and law enforcers trying to maintain public order, as well as anyone they believe to be from the Chinese mainland, they seem willing to justify their descent into the depths of inhumanity by convincing themselves they are fighting the good fight for what is right.History shows how such thinking leads to mob rule. The rioters in Hong Kong are not immune from the evil born of hubris. Wishfully believing that their behavior carries the torch of "revolution", they are prepared to let the city and its law-abiding residents pay any price for their unshakable conviction that only they hold the key to the city's future.Unfortunately, their faith in the purity of their cause stems purely from their misjudgment of both the situation and their misguided ambition.An important reason that the government of t ………………………………

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