来源:Stata packages | DiD (asjadnaqvi.github.io) https://asjadnaqvi.github.io/DiD/docs/01_stata/ 更新内容: 1、 2024 de Chaisemartin and D’Haultfoeuille (2024)最新书籍 2、新增了多个命令 ,详见 其他命令详见 31个必知必会的DID命令(7个常规DID命令+20个DID进展最新命令+平行趋势和安慰剂命令) 大家都在读: DID最新书单、论文、文章资源推荐 链接为:https://asjadnaqvi.github.io/DiD/docs/01_stata/ Reading material TABLE OF CONTENTS Books Blogs and notes Interactive dashboards Papers Books The books below are the ones that discuss the new DiD literature. There are of course many other great econometric books! 2024最新书籍 Clément de Chaisemartin and Xavier D’Haultfoeuille (2024). Credible Answers to Hard Questions: Differences-in-Differences for Natural Experiments. Working textbook under contract with Princeton University Press. 1、Miguel Hernan and Jamie Robins (2022). Causal Inference: What If.