坐落于新西兰皇后镇地区那片看似未经雕琢的自然景观之中,一个纯几何形态的建筑矗立于地上,为这片粗犷的风景增添了一抹醒目的点缀。 Set atop a geological shelf in the seemingly untouched landscape of New Zealand’s Queenstown region, an object of pure geometry punctuates the rugged vista. 由Keshaw McArthur设计的Openfield House,以其简约体量优雅地嵌入山地地形之中。 该住宅摒弃了室内与室外空间的界限,成为一座融入壮丽自然环境的居住载体。 Designed by Keshaw McArthur, Openfield House manifests as a composition of minimal volumes elegantly nestled in the mountainous terrain. By rejecting distinctions between interior and exterior spaces, the family home exists as a vehicle for living within the awe-inspiring natural context, celebrating an authentic connection to the earth. “提炼了‘家’的概念,去除复杂性,让日常活动得以简洁方式进行,”Keshaw McArt