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Inside China’s booming lazy economy

Daxue Insights  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-13 17:18


The Lazy Economy is rapidly growing in China. Services like instant delivery, online ordering, and smart home devices are created to meet people’s needs with minimal effort. This trend reflects a fast-paced lifestyle and a pursuit of simplicity, driving innovation in business models and technology. However, its swift expansion also presents challenges. Who’s driving the lazy economy? Young Chinese consumers, raised during the economic boom, expect a high standard of living and prioritize family care. As they enter adulthood, their desire to maintain or improve this comfort drives demand for in-home services like cleaning, cooking, and organization. With increasing social pressure, they seek more personal time and use technology, including online shopping, food delivery, and smart home products, to simplify daily routines and boost efficiency. The emergence of ‘lazy people devices’(懒人神器) and smart home products has helped them simplify their daily routines. This improves ………………………………

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