© CreatAR Images 水是东北集体记忆中重要的符号,代表着放松、舒适和社交。曾经,东北的房子大多没有浴室,人们在公共澡堂里洗澡,这成为了放松舒适的社交场所。如今,健身房渐渐取代了澡堂,成为了年轻人喜爱的社交娱乐场所,水成为了连接人与人之间的介质。在改造废弃售楼处为社区游泳健身中心的过程中,我们思考了水对建筑和使用者的意义。 Water is an important symbol in the collective memory of Northeast China, representing relaxation, comfort, and socializing. In the past, most houses in Northeast China did not have bathrooms, and people took showers in public bathhouses, which became a relaxing and comfortable social place. Nowadays, gyms have gradually replaced bathhouses and become popular social entertainment venues for young people, with water becoming a medium connecting people. In the process of transforming the abandoned sales office into a communi