专栏名称: 景观周
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景观周  · 公众号  · 建筑设计  · 2021-04-26 18:22
横滨国际港口码头是一个与城市设施相结合的新型交通空间。它不是将建筑视为码头上的一个与环境分离的体量,而是成为码头地面的延伸,同时承载码头的功能,并在码头的屋顶上形成一个非常大的城市公园。The Yokohama International Port Terminal is a new type of transportation space integrated with urban facilities. Rather than conceiving of the building as an object on the pier, detached from its context, it is designed as an extension of the pier ground, simultaneously hosting the terminal functions and creating a very large urban park on the roof of the terminal.为了保证整个码头最大限度的城市生活,建筑围绕着一个流线系统进行组织,该系统既挑战了码头特有的线性结构,又挑战了循环的方向性,利用一系列特定程序的封闭流线,设计出一个 ………………………………

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