7月24日,2024英特尔网络与边缘计算行业大会在天津于家堡洲际酒店如期举行,英特尔全球高管、中国区合作伙伴齐聚一堂,英特尔发布了其最新技术和芯片解决方案。 在当晚举行的颁奖晚宴上,研盛芯控获颁最具潜力奖,同期获奖的还有中兴通讯、紫光数码 、 锐捷网络、美的电子等合作伙伴。 On July 24, the 2024 Intel Network and edge computing industry Summit was held as scheduled at the Intercontinental Hotel in Yujiapu, Tianjin. Intel's global executives and partners in China gathered together, and Intel released its latest technology and chip solutions. At the award ceremony held that evening, ELSKY was awarded the Best Potential Award, along with other partners such as ZTE,UNIS DIGITAL , Ruijie Network, and Midea Electronics. 在本次大会的合作伙伴板卡墙上,研盛芯控多款产品上榜,如低功耗无风扇工控主板M100F,支持12-14代酷睿桌面平台的工