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唯思顿国际教育  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-07 18:00
单词风暴之juncture——瑜伽的远亲今天我们谈的单词是juncture: 连接;关键时刻Definition1 : joint, connection2 : an important point in time or of a stage in a process or activityJuncture源自拉丁语 jungere ("to join"),像我们熟悉的 join也是这个词源,另外还有junction(连接)和conjugal(婚姻的;夫妻间的),以及junta (原义指:council, meeting, convention,不过现在尤其指武力夺取政权的军政府 a military government that has taken power by force). jungere 还有些“远亲” ,例如: juxtapose (并置,并列), yoga, and yoke.其中yoga是大家非常熟悉的,瑜伽本义为连接,瑜伽在于使身体和灵魂合一,即天人合一(the uniting of the self with the universe)yoke这个词在SAT和ACT考试中都出现过,本义是:牛轭[è](a long piece of wood that is fastened a ………………………………

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