专栏名称: 牧夫天文
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牧夫天文  · 公众号  · 科学  · 2017-04-14 07:20
招募翻译官要求:天文(航天)爱好者,能够解释常见天文现象的成因,了解天文观测仪器的种类和使用方法,关注天文(航天)领域新发现、新动态;英译汉基础扎实,能够准确翻译天文(航天)领域的专业名词;按要求完成下方测试并附一份个人简历投递至邮箱:22427993@qq.com第一题:将本篇文章翻译成中文。It can't get much better than this: an occultation of the brightest star the Moon ever crosses, visible across most of the U.S. on a Saturday evening, with the Moon barely first-quarter (46% sunlit), and the star's dark-side disappearance visible without optical aid.Moreover, along a narrow path skirting the U.S.-Canadian border, passing the Toronto area and then the U.S. Northeast, a spectacular grazing occultation will occu ………………………………

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