中秋快乐 SCI 17 September 2024 Externally Controlled Studies Using Real-World Data in Patients With Hematological Cancers: A Systematic Review (JAMA Oncology, IF: 22.5) Sjoerd J. F. Hermans, MD; Niek G. van der Maas, MD; Yvette van Norden, PhD; Avinash G. Dinmohamed, BASc, MSc, PhD; Elizabeth Berkx, PhD; Peter C. Huijgens, MD, PhD; Donna R. Rivera, PharmD; R. Angelo de Claro, MD; Francesco Pignatti, MD, MSc; Jurjen Versluis, MD, PhD; Jan J. Cornelissen, MD, PhD CORRESPONDENCE TO: j.cornelissen@erasmusmc.nl IMPORTANCE 重要性 The use of real-world data (RWD) external control arms in prospective studies is increasing. The advantages, including the immediate availability of a control population, must be balanced with the requirements of meeting evidentiary standards. 在前瞻性研究中使用真实世界数据(RWD)外部对照臂的情况正在增加。这一设计的优势包括控制组的即时可用性,必须与满足证据标准的要求相平衡。 OBJECTIVE 目的 T