The Mountain Retreat residence presented a unique architectural
opportunity given the remote and private site, overlooking a serene lake
and rugged hills beyond. The layout of the building in the landscape
resulted from the intent to create a series of private family spaces
each with a unique visual connection to the surrounding site, while
providing privacy for those spaces from the site access and adjacent
interior spaces. To ensure privacy, the program elements are arranged in
a pinwheel form, radiating from a central corridor, which also serves
as the main entry of the house. The corridor is fully glazed to maximize
views to the outdoors, providing fully climatized circulation between
the smaller peaked wooden volumes, in which the family spaces are
housed. The goal for the architectural form language was to create a
series of well-proportioned gable volumes that allow the building’s
massing to break-down in terms of its scale and magnitude and integrate
into the su