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设计之旅  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2024-07-10 12:00


公元3世纪前,人们相信罗马帝国是永恒之城,艺术和建筑是它无言的证词。近20个世纪过去,西方文化在古典传统的枝干上抽出无数新枝,东西方这对古老对立的精神因子也逐渐挣脱历史的藩篱。在现代性的灵光下,我们获得更丰富、更包容的世界性视野。 Before the 3rd century AD, people believed that the Roman Empire was the Eternal City, and art and architecture were its silent testimonies. Over the past two millennia, Western culture has sprouted countless new branches from the classical tradition. The spiritual factors of East and West, once ancient adversaries, have gradually transcended historical barriers. In the enlightenment of modernity, we have gained a more enriched and inclusive global perspective. 2024年6月9日,在第 29 届广州国际照明展览会上,Stefano Piontini 和许东亮先生以光 +(Light Plus)为主轴、罗马角斗场(Colosseum)为灵感,完成了特色 ………………………………

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