一般住宅改造大多是针对独栋或单层进行,但这次要介绍的这栋房子很特别。业主希望重新翻修顶楼露台,为家中的儿子打造一套具备基本客厅、餐厅、厨房和卧室功能的独立公寓。 Residential renovation projects are generally about detached houses or single-story buildings. However, the house we are introducing this time is very special. The owner hopes to renovate the rooftop terrace and provide an independent apartment with basic functions of living room, dining room, kitchen and bedroom for his son. 创造新空间的任务由EME157设计团队负责,设计师坦言最关键也是最高难度的挑战是必须让新增楼层和现有独特的砖造立面融为一体,同时还得避免房子高度过度增加,进而影响整体的视觉效果。 The task of creating new space was undertaken by the EME157 design team. The designer admitted that the most critical and difficult challenge was to integrate the newly added