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【SSCI】教育学期刊《AERA open》最新论文推送

人文社科论文速览  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-03 00:15


【SSCI】教育学期刊《AERA open》最新论文推送(2024年11月) 《AERA open》共35篇,祝大家阅读愉快。 《Addressing Threats to Validity in Supervised Machine Learning: A Framework and Best Practices for Education Researchers》 《解决对监督式学习有效性的威胁: 教育研究者的框架和最佳实践》 英文摘要: Given the rapid adoption of machine learning methods by education researchers, and the growing acknowledgment of their inherent risks, there is an urgent need for tailored methodological guidance on how to improve and evaluate the validity of inferences drawn from these methods. Drawing on an integrative literature review and extending a well-known framework for theorizing validity in the social sciences, this article provides both an overview of threats to validity in supervised machine learning and plausible approaches for addressing such threats. It collates a list of current best practices, brings supervised learning challenge ………………………………

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