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国外顶刊搬运:JPE 政治经济学杂志 2024年5月刊 目录与摘要

土豆的经管Workshop  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-22 17:19


Journal of Political Economy JPE 2024年 5月刊 目录与摘要 刊发卷期:Volume 132,Number 5 刊发时间:May 2024 期刊等级:ABS 4* 出版厂商:University of Chicago Press 注:如需中文翻译,手机请点击微信右上角选取 全文翻译 ;点击本文下方 阅读原文 ,即可到达期刊官网;用 电脑 观看公众号内容效果更佳! 目录 1.Financial Innovation in the Twenty-First Century: Evidence from US Patents Josh Lerner, Amit Seru, Nicholas Short, and Yuan Sun 2.Belief Overreaction and Stock Market Puzzles Pedro Bordalo, Nicola Gennaioli, Rafael La Porta, and Andrei Shleifer 3.On the Joint Evolution of Culture and Political Institutions: Elites and Civil Society Alberto Bisin and Thierry Verdier 4.Augmenting State Capacity for Child Development: Experimental Evidence from India Alejandro J. Ganimian, Karthik Muralidharan, and Christopher R. Walters 5.Competition and Information Leakage Markus Baldauf and Joshua Mollner 6.Mr. Keynes Mee ………………………………

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