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European avocado imports continue downward trend

中国水果门户  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-14 09:30


点击上方蓝字,关注我们 Specialized intelligence firm  Avobook ’s week 32 report noted a 10% decrease week-on-week in European avocado imports, with Peruvian supplies accounting for 90% of shipments. However, the report anticipated that Chilean avocados, arriving in the European market in the coming weeks, will offset the decline in Peruvian shipments. In the U.S. market, Peru holds a 25% share of overall imports while Mexican avocado shipments posted a 9% uptick compared to last week's volumes. Meanwhile, in China, Peruvian supplies are also declining. Chilean and Mexican supplies are expected to hit Chinese shelves in the coming weeks. In Chile, local fruit is slowly replacing imported avocados, as Peruvian supplies also decline in this market by 25%. 长按二维码,关注我们 中国水果门户 国内|海外|果蔬|资讯 中国水果门户是全球领先的专业国际果蔬媒体,致力为进出口商、批发商、零售商、果农和消费者每日提 ………………………………

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