这是范叔为你准备的 『九言』 6.30 教育就是让每个孩子用他的方式放光。 Education is about letting every child shine in their own way. 一个人对奇迹的信念,永远是一个奇迹或一件美妙的事情能够产生的首要前提。 A person's belief in miracles is always the primary prerequisite for a miracle or a wonderful thing to occur. 人生本来就该辛苦、复杂、错误百出、怪事一堆,别人要笑就让他们笑吧,这表示我们的生活比他们精彩。 Life is supposed to be hard, complex, full of mistakes, and full of strange things. If others want to laugh, let them laugh. This shows that our life is more exciting than theirs. 有趣的是,有时候你一直对一些事情忧心忡忡,结果却没什么大不了的。 It's interesting that sometimes you keep worrying about things, but it's not a big deal. 人间万千光景,苦乐喜忧,跌撞起伏,除了自渡,其他人爱莫能助。 There are countless sc