Effective policies and behavioral adaptations toward climate-neutral mobility Anthropogenic climate change has huge implications for the transportation sector at all spatial scales, from the neighborhood to the planet as a whole. Actions to make transportation systems more resilient in the face of climate breakdown and interventions to radically and quickly reduce CO2 equivalent (CO2eq) emissions from the transportation sector are urgently required. Time is running out for transportation to become net zero and climate neutral. The challenge holds for both freight and personal mobility, with the latter contributing roughly two-thirds of all of the sector’s CO2eq emissions. Guest editors: 1) Assistant Professor Feixiong Lia : Eindhoven University of Technology , Eindhoven, The Netherlands ( f.liao@tue.nl ) 2) Associate Professor Yacan Wang : Beijing Jiaotong University , Beijing, China ( ycwang@bjtu.edu.cn ) 3) Dr. Tim Schwanen : University of Oxford , Oxford, United Kingdo