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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-09-06 13:18
01随着最后一架运输机飞离美军宣告从阿富汗撤退完毕With the last aircraft having left Kabul, the US has pulled all of its troops out of Afghanistan.02离美国发起阿富汗反恐战争已经过去了20年局势兜兜转转回到原点掌权的还是塔利班Twenty years after US launched a war there,now it is the Taliban ruling Afghanistan again.03 美军当初不远万里踏足中亚这块土地说是为打击恐怖主义The US claimed it was fighting terrorism when it launched the war in 2001,04但越反越恐美国自己也掉入大坑but it never solved the problem and became mired in the war.05阿富汗被炮火摧残现在也成一片烂摊Afghanistan has suffered a great deal of destruction.06连带着中东中亚各国都受到恐怖主义的折磨Even the Middle East has suffered from terrorism “spilling” over from Afghanistan.07阿富汗 ………………………………

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