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学习学习再学习  · 公众号  · 学习  · 2015-11-18 00:02
版权声明本文首发自微信公共帐号:xiaolai-xuexi;作者:李笑来无需授权即可转载,但请自觉保留以上版权声明。产品经理的一切目标就是“解决痛点”(当然,我个人更喜欢David Heinemeier Hansson的措辞——the itch——非得挠挠才舒服痛快的痒处):...It comes down to a very simple question for us: "What is the user problem that we solve through this experiment?" Whether it's in hardware, software, data, platform, whatever it is, once we solve it, people can't live without it. They may have an absolutely burring need to solve this problem and they can't. Either they are looking for a solution or you never thought you needed it but now you can't live without it.真正好的产品,确实会提供一个很好的体验,而这种体验,过去没有,现在有了,一旦开始用了,就无法想象没 ………………………………

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