There is no one like our mother in this world. She loves you, suffers for you, and cares for you more than any one else, more than she loves herself. Thank you Mum who sacrificed your life for us, children of yours. 这个世界上没有像我们的妈妈这样的人。 她爱你,为你受苦,关心你胜过任何人,胜过爱她自己。 感谢妈妈为我们这些孩子付出自己的全部! “听说神不能无处不在,所以创造了妈妈。到了妈妈的年龄,妈妈仍然是妈妈的守护神。妈妈这个词,只是叫一叫,也触动心弦。” ——《请回答1988》 Mother's Day is a holiday to thank mothers, which first appeared in ancient Greece, while modern Mother's Day originated in the United States and is the second Sunday of May every year. Mothers usually receive gifts on this day. Carnations are regarded as flowers for their mothers, while Chinese mothers'flowers are Hemerocallis fulva, also known as Forget Sadness Grass. The earliest known Mo