文 | 光伏头条 张福龙 微信公众号 | 光伏头条 国能网·20周年庆活动计划 及2025会议计划 IN-EN.com·20th Anniversary Celebration and 2025 Conference Plan 岁月如歌,二十载风雨兼程。 【国际能源网】自诞生以来,始终与时代脉搏同频共振, 深耕能源领域,见证并推动了行业的蓬勃发展。 值此二十周年之际, 我们特别筹划“国能网·20周年庆活动计划及2025会议计划”。 诚邀业界同仁携手并肩,共攀高峰! Time flies like a song with twenty years of trials and tribulations. Ever since its foundation, IN-EN.com has always connected with the pulse of the times, deeply cultivated the energy field, witnessing and promoting the vigorous development of the industry. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary, we specially make the IN-EN.com 20th Anniversary Celebration and 2025 Conference Plan and sincerely invite industry colleagues to join hands and strive to reach new h