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实习僧  · 公众号  · 求职  · 2024-06-30 12:00
↑关注留学僧求职,获取最新求职咨询↑「梅赛德斯-奔驰」梅赛德斯-奔驰集团股份公司是一家享誉全球的汽车企业集团通过梅赛德斯-奔驰股份公司提供领先的豪华乘用车及轻型商务车产品现在梅赛德斯-奔驰招实习生啦!300/天!免费班车感兴趣就快来投递吧! ✨  岗位精选 ✨ 可持续发展对话会项目支持实习生梅赛德斯-奔驰💫 职位描述1、Participate in strategic project meetings;2、Capture, consolidate and structure all decision-relevant aspects, questions and parameters within the respective product project discussions and outline relevant input required;3、Act as a ‘go to-person’ for data-based insights and provide support on the product definition and overarching offering strategy for future vehicles;4、Pro-actively collect and process topic-relevant information;5、Investigate and manage information sources.🙌 职位要求1、Agile, forward-thinking and h ………………………………

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