Transient AC Overvoltage Suppression Orientated Reactive Power Control of the Wind Turbine in the LCC-HVDC Sending Grid Bo Pang 1 ; Xiao Jin 2 ; Quanwang Zhang 1 ; Yi Tang 1 ; Kai Liao 1 ; Jianwei Yang 1 ; Zhengyou He 1 1. Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China 2. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Hangzhou, China ■ 在线阅读 ■ PDF B. Pang et al., "Transient AC Overvoltage Suppression Orientated Reactive Power Control of the Wind Turbine in the LCC-HVDC Sending Grid," in CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 152-161, June 2024, doi: 10.30941/CESTEMS.2024.00020. 摘 要 高压直流输电是解决清洁能源与负荷逆向分配的重要途径。基于线路换流器的HVDC(LCC-HVDC)以其技术成熟性和经济优势成为HVDC的一种重要结构。在LCC-HVDC发生换相失败等直流故障时,交流电网的无功调节总是滞后于直流控制过程,造成交流送出电网过电压,给基于电力