尊敬的客户、合作伙伴及各界朋友: 衷心感谢您一直以来的信任与支持,使植德能持续稳步发展壮大。为满足业务需求,更好地为您服务或与您合作,植德上海办公室喜迁新址,办公面积扩大,软硬条件升级。 自2024年6月起,植德上海办公室已迁至: 上海市徐汇区虹桥路183号徐家汇中心三期A座办公楼27层(THREE itc) 邮编:200030 电话:021-52533500(不变) 传真:021-52533599(不变) 新环境、新面貌、新起点,我们相信这将为植德带来新的机遇,也期待与您携手共创 更加美好的未来。 植德律师事务所 二〇二四年六月六日 Dear Esteemed Clients, Partners, and Friends, We are deeply grateful for the enduring trust and support you have placed in us, which has been pivotal in our firm's steady growth and development. To better align with our growing business needs, we are glad to share that our Shanghai office has moved to a n