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Hacker News 精彩评论及翻译

超级科技迷  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-28 08:58


Hacker News 精彩评论及翻译 How 'Factorio' seduced Silicon Valley and me https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41957259 I know lots of people who play Factorio but for me, I guess it just feels too much like work? Whenever I play it, I get the distinct feeling that I could instead do the same thing but productively instead, such as by contributing to my OSS projects (sometimes, maybe even for profit instead). I never got into these types of programmatic games for precisely this reason but I'd like to understand other perspectives on this. The games I play instead are wholly unrelated to my work life, such as FPS or RPG ones, where there is a clear distinction between what I can do and what I want to do. satvikpendem 我认识很多玩Factorio的人,但对我来说,我觉得这游戏太像工作了?每当我玩它时,我都会有一种感觉,那就是我可以把这些时间花在更有生产力的事情上,比如为我的开源项目做贡献(有时甚至可以获利 ………………………………

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