HAIWEN NEWS Haiwen Successfully Represents a Leading Global Gaming Client in ICC Emergency Arbitration 近日,国际商会(ICC)公布了2024年初步争议解决统计数据。数据显示,在831宗依据《国际商会仲裁规则》提起的仲裁案件中,17宗案件涉及当事人申请紧急仲裁员程序,以寻求紧急救济。 Recently, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) released its preliminary dispute resolution statistics for 2024. The data shows that among the 831 arbitration cases initiated under the ICC Arbitration Rules, 17 cases involved parties applying for an emergency arbitration procedure to seek injunctive relief. 在这17宗紧急仲裁案件中,海问律师事务所香港办公室代表一家全球领先的游戏公司,成功应对另一国际知名游戏开发商提出的紧急禁令申请。对方指控该游戏在开发和发行过程中涉及知识产权侵权,试图通过紧急仲裁程序阻止其进一步发布和运营。